Guidelines for article submission to publish in Revista de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos UTEM

  1. Articles to be published must be sent by e-mail to Ms.Paola Aceituno O. (Editor of the Journal), or polí
  2. The article has to include a brief biography of each author, including full name, academic degrees, institutional affiliation, city, country, position, e-mail address and their ORCID registry.
  3. Articles cannot exceed 25 pages (numbered pages), including charts, graphs, diagrams, etc. The font must be Times New Roman, size 11, colour black. Spacing 1,5.
  4. The article must have a title, an abstract of no more than 150 words and 5 key words in Spanish and English.
  5. Articles written in English must abide to the rules described herein.
  6. Titles and subtitles must be clear, with no underlining and related to the contents of the article. The writer must use Arabic numbers for each subtitle.
  7. Articles must be unplubished and writers must commit themselves not to subject them to other periodicals simultaneously.
  8. The Editor will inform the author whether the submitted work complies with the editorial policies of the journal.
  9. Articles submitted to the Journal will be subjected to a double-blind review.
  10. Reviews and chronicles must have a maximum extension of 10 pages and do not require either an abstract or key words.


  1. Once the article is accepted, peers will review it following a double-blind review. The topic addressed in the manuscript will be evaluated according to the following guidelines:
  • Topic: originality, clarity of approach, scientific interest.
  • Academic rigour: clearly stated central idea, theoretical soundness, appropriate structuring, among others.
  • Contribution to knowledge: development of new knowledge, critical reflection, analyses, propositions.
  • Formal aspects: correct presentation of the manuscript in accordance to the editorial guidelines of the journal.

Guidelines can be checked at

  1. Reviewers will decide whether an article meets the general criteria mentioned above and recommend improvements, if required, for the final manuscript.
  2. The Editor will communicate the author about the decision to accept the article without any changes, accept it after revisions, or reject the article.
  3. Authors of accepted and published articles transfer all rights to the Revista de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos UTEM. The Journal reserves the right to re-publish or cite the writer’s work indicating the reference of the original publication.
  4. Authors of published articles will receive 3 copies of the Journal.

Publishing and reviewing process

Firstly, the Editor will inform the author about the decision to accept the article without any changes, accept it after revisions, or reject it. This communication will be carried out via e-mail in a period no longer than 10 days.

If the Editor considers the article should be accepted provided the author makes changes, recommendations and comments will be sent to the author in the period stated above. The author is required to resubmit the reviewed article in no longer than 7 days, accepting, explaining or rejecting the corresponding corrections. If the article is accepted, it will be sent to the peer reviewers continuing the process described below.

Secondly, and following the process of the manuscripts accepted without editorial comments, the Journal editor will send the article to peer reviewers who will decide on its relevance and quality based on the editorial guidelines. This will be done in a period of no longer than 20 days. The reviewing peers will inform if there are any suggestions to the author who, in turn, will submit the corrections in no longer than 7 days. Once the writer has proceeded with the required changes and adjustments, the text will be reviewed by the editor to ensure requirements are met and will inform the editorial board committee about the Editor’s and/or peers’ rejections or acceptances.

Finally, the article will be submitted to the Editorial UTEM, whose professionals will review the style; the English Area at Departamento de Humanidades will review the Title, Abstract and Key words. In case of any suggestions or changes, they will inform the Editor. New style suggestions, which focus primarily on semantics, verb tenses, citation requirements and regulations compliance, will be shared with the author for acceptance. Once the author accepts or rejects the suggestions, the article will go through the stages of design, printing and publishing.

Bibliography Rules and citations

Articles must be written according to the guidelines of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Bibliography is ordered alphabetically by authors’ last name.

Footnotes must be consecutively numbered. For more references on their use, visit