Editorial Policy

Revista de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos (EPE) is a scientific publication from the Public Policies program [PEPP], and it depends on the Business and Administration faculty of the Universidad Tecnológica Metropolitana (UTEM)

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The EPE journal was created in 2013, it is a publication reviewed by peers which comes out every six months (June and December). In print and electronic format.

ISSN linking ISSN (ISSN-L): 0719-3653 ISSN (Online): 0719-3688 ISSN (Print): 0719-3653

Publication Language

The EPE journal is a publication in Spanish and/or English.

Content Access Policy

The journal has an open access policy, based on the principle of free availability to the research products for the general public. Under the license of Creative Commons Reconocimiento 4.0 Internacional License. The only limitation in terms of reproduction and distribution is to give to the authors of the journal the control over the integrity of their works and the right to be properly recognized and cited from the work derived from Revista de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos.

OA – OI Policies. The EPE journal adhere to the Budapest Open Access Initiative BOAI. http://www.budapestopenaccessinitiative.org/boai-10-translations/spanish

The EPE journal adheres to the principles of Open Research (Open Science) and the use by the authors of the FAIR Principles [Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, and Reusable] for scientific data management, is permitted. See FAIR Guiding Principles published in a journal of the Nature Publishing Group. Available in: https://blog.scielo.org/es/2016/03/16/principios-rectores-fair-publicados-en-una-revista-del-nature-publishing-group/#.W1jredVKiM8

In case that the author authorizes the publication of open research data in his own repositories or in the EPE journal, he must report it in his manuscript directly, citing the source or repository and / or notify in writing his intention to publish the open data in the EPE journal by declaring it in writing to the editor of the EPE journal.

In addition, we accept that authors can publish their manuscripts, methodology and research data, in their own institutional repositories or on their open access OA or open science OS institutional websites, before and during the process of submitting their papers for evaluation in the EPE journal, and publish the PDF file corresponding to the final version of their work published in Revista de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos, citing the source, after publication, in their respective institutional repositories, without any embargo period.

Objectives and Scope

The EPE journal aims to disseminate multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary works carried out by national or foreign writers from the social sciences viewpoint, in order to generate debate and contribute to the analysis, renewal, research, theoretical and empirical approaches, proposition or observation of social, economic, cultural or epistemological phenomena, with a special emphasis on works that may influence Public Policy, State administration and its consideration, both nationally and internationally.

Since 2013, the EPE journal has published researchers’ papers aimed at strengthening the different disciplinary approaches related to problematic phenomena, review, proposition, analysis or interpretation associated to governance, the State, territory, society, economy, cultural change and science development, among others.

The editorial committee considers multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary work as a line of work to be promoted and a fundamental task that contributes to modernizing the non-cross-disciplinary paradigm in a complex world.

Submission of manuscripts

The journal is open to the reception of essays and original research articles. See call https://revistaepe.utem.cl/convocatoria/

The articles for evaluation are received all year round, but the editor will notify by electronic media the closures for each semester. (First semester, June. Second semester, December)

The articles sent to the EPE journal must follow the guidelines that appear as Normas de Publicación https://revistaepe.utem.cl/normas-de-publicacion/

The EPE journal will not accept for evaluation those articles that do not meet all these guidelines. (See https://revistaepe.utem.cl/convocatoria/)

There is no obligation to report an evaluation of the editor to those articles that do not follow the guidelines of the journal, as these works will not be subject to the selection phase and subsequent opinion.

Responsibility of the Editor

The editor will inform the author about the decision to publish, publish subject to changes or reject the article, submitting comments, if necessary, for the final preparation.

The editor and the Editorial Committee are responsible to evaluate the articles without taking into account any discrimination related to gender, sexual orientation, religious belief, political belief, nationality, ethnic origin or personal positioning of the authors.

The editor will have to make fair and impartial decisions and ensure a fair and appropriate peer review process.

The editor will guarantee the confidentiality of the evaluation process, therefore, he will not be able to reveal the identity of the authors to the reviewers.

The editor will not be able to reveal the identity of the reviewers at any time while this process is being carried out.

The editor will ensure as much as possible, that all unpublished materials sent to the journal, are not used in personal investigations of the editor (s) or editorial committee, and that the peer review is confidential and is not used to obtain personal advantages .

The editor will be responsible for publishing the corrections, clarifications, retractions and apologies when necessary, and / or request them to the author or authors, as soon as the journal or Editorial Committee requires it.

Author Identification

Candidates to publish in the EPE journal (authors and coauthors) are requested to present the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contribution) author identifier and/or ResearcherID (http://www.researcherid.com). In addition, a complete biographical sketch of the author is required (Employment or Full Name of institution of affiliation, Education or Academic Degree (s), merits or distinctions, lines of research or competitive funds, publications), since this information is key to more accurately distinguish, both his academic production and his scientific work.

Copyright transfer

  • Authors must include and sign the acceptance to open access policy, based on the principle of free availability to research products for the general public. Open access, according to the Budapest statement, allows publicly-funded research to benefit taxpayers and increases the return on their investment in the research. It has economic benefits as well as academic and scientific benefits.
  • They must also authorize Revista de Estudios Políticos y Estratégicos [EPE]the edition, publishing, printing, duplication, distribution, dissemination and storage of the work all around the world and in all media and formats, without losing their right to be properly recognized and cited regarding their authorship.


Submission and publication fees: The journal exempts authors from fees for the revision, edition and publishing process of the manuscripts.

Provisions for possible conflicts of interest or ethics

Concerning a possible conflict of interest or ethics, the journal will resolve it through its Editorial Committee along with the Scientific Advisory Board. In all cases of higher complexity, the journal will consider the recommendations and good practices of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE). http://publicationethics.org/

Plagiarism detection or prevention

The Journal uses a system to detect or prevent plagiarism, (See https://www.urkund.com/es/), in order to safeguard the relevance and authenticity of the contents to be published.

Digital preservation policy

The contents of the Journal are preserved in their own institutional repository. See Repositorio Académico UTEM (http://repositorio.utem.cl/)

Indexation of data bases

Indexed in: Emerging Sources Citation Index – ESCI, EE. UU. European Science Foundation – ERIH-PLUS, Noruega. Directory of Open Access Journals – DOAJ, Database independent. LATINDEX-Directorio; LATINDEX-Catálogo 2. 0, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM, México. Actualidad Iberoamericana, CIT Centro de Información Tecnológica, La Serena, Chile. DIALNET, Universidad de la Rioja, España. Matriz de información para la identificación y el análisis de revistas – MIAR, Universidad de Barcelona, España. Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades – CLASE, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM, México. Political Science Complete, EBSCO Information Services, Estados Unidos. SHERPA/RoMEO: Repertorio acceso abierto, Database Publisher copyright policies & self-archiving, Inglaterra.  Directory of Open Access Scholarly Resources – ROAD, ISSN International Centre. Ulrich’s – Globals Serials Directory, Proquest, Estados Unidos, Bibliografía latinoamericana en revistas de investigación científica y social – BIBLAT, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM. ProQuest;  Political Science Database, Social Science Database, EE. UU. Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico – REDIB. Agencia Estatal Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas – CSIC, España.

Currently undergoing evaluation in: Red de Revistas Científicas de América Latina y el Caribe – RedALyC, España y Portugal, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México – UNAM. Scopus: Social Sciences & Humanities Index, Political Science Database – Latin América & Iberia Database.

SciELO-Chile: Scientific Electronic Library Online; Chile. Journal Approved CONSOLIDATION State.

Participation in organizations of science editors.

LatinRev: Red cooperativa de revistas y asociaciones de revistas académicas del campo de las ciencias sociales y las humanidades [Cooperative network of journals and associations of academic journals in the field of social sciences and humanities]; FLACSO, Argentina; Foro de editores científicos [Science editors fórum], Chile; Latinoamericana: Asociación de Revistas Académicas de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales. [Association of Academic Journals of Humanities and Social Sciences].

Update date: January 2019